
Monday, February 8, 2010

Chit Chat

      This morning the sun was shinning and the day was planned... well the whole week looked pretty busy. Monday was "Lunch Bunch". All us oldies but goodies from the Red Door Neighborhood went to Olive Garden for lunch and laughing. We do this once a month and usually have about 20 plus that show up. 
       After lunch Preston and I went to finish some doors on a friends cabinet. The mother of one of our Primary girls needed her place fixed up to sell so "we" volunteered to help. The crew (Teresa, Shawna, Terry and I) started on Monday and finished on Wednesday except for the sticking doors.
I visited a couple of friends, did some sewing and answered the phone as friends began to call with changes in plans for the rest of the week. 

      Tuesday is art class, Wednesday is sewing and Photo Shop classes, Sewing Canceled... Thursday is Line dancing and Sewing here at 5:30.... sewing canceled, Friday is Primary girls after school to make beads...still on!
      It started out busier than it ended. Glad it was not the other way around.. Oh I forgot I teach this Sunday since my partner is going to be out of town.  

     Every day I get up and am able to serve those around me I thank my Father in Heaven. The older I get the more grateful feel for every single blessing.   Life is Good.

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